Thanks to those of you who made donations to the Dogs Deserve Better organization. We sent the money out this morning, and are enjoying the post-donation fuzzy feeling that comes with helping doggies.
Augie insisted on selecting this month's cause, and I think he did a lovely job. In May, we will be sponsoring Tiny Tim, who is in the care of PugSavers.
Augie had mobility issues this past month, and didn't want to do much jumping...but after some anti-inflamatories and muscle relaxers, he seems to be getting around much better. Tim, however, hasn't been so fortunate. He had severe luxating patellas, and his front legs don't move much at all.
The good folks at PugSavers are having a front end cart made for him, but he'll need ongoing physical therapy, and we'd like to help out with that.
As always, if you'd like to contribute, just click the "ChipIn!" Widget on the sidebar. Augie would also like to point out that both he and Tim are big fans of breakfast, and he's sure they'd be good frineds.