Todd and I would love to have rescued a pug. But because our back yard has a pool, rescue groups (rightfully so, in most cases) won't let people with unfenced pools adopt.
Barkley and Augie--aside from NEVER being allowed outside unsupervised--do not care for the pool. To them, it's like a giant bath--something they don't fight, but if given the choice, wouldn't volunteer for it. However, we think that it's important to regularly remind them of this fact. So each summer, we put them in the pool with us, give them a refresher course in where the escape ramp is, and for the rest of the year, they ignore it. Well, Augie ignores it. Barkley walkes along the edge of the deck that surrounds it like a tightrope walker.
Oh, and just for the record, I'm not proud of this photo. But I will say that an excellent way to hide a bathing suit you don't care for is to put a pug in front of you. :)
Sometimes I laugh at the whole fence issues with rescue. We have 4 Pugs and our yard is not fenced. We have a pool with the deck fenced. We take our gang out on leash or to their little potty pen. When they are on the pool deck we are with them, and yes one has fallen in, but we would never have them up there without us, nor would we let them outside alone....I get calls a lot for Pugs....what state are you in????
Posted by: Punchbugpug | August 16, 2007 at 09:49 PM
I've used Emma as a cover up before. :)
Posted by: alfredsmom | August 21, 2007 at 11:14 AM
My dog would never be so patient and relax in the tube with me.
Posted by: Joe the Dog Lover | September 09, 2008 at 11:44 AM